Dental Implant Courses
in India

Aesthetic Dentistry

Endodontics & RCT Workshop

Dental Courses In India

Clinical Oral Surgery Course

One Year Mastership in Clinical Dentistry

Four Month Residency Clinical Dentistry
Dr.Sunit Patel- MDS
The concepts on veneers and ceramic has been fully solved by this doctor. Presentations hospitality is good.
Dr. Rohit Thakkar-MDS, Perio
I am very happy that I have attended this course. My concept about RCT are very clear now. I am doing so many mistake in RCT. Now after attending this course, I am very confident in RCT. So thanks to WORLD OF 32 dental academy for contouring this type of courses.
Dr. Rahul Rupapara-MDS, Private Practice
I found more than worth traveling from Rajkot to Ahmedabad for learning implants at WORLD OF 32.